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What is Local SEO?

The term 'SEO' stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It's simply the art of strengthening your online brand visibility and the e-commerce of your business by conducting thorough keyword research and optimising your website. The higher the SEO ranking or "where your company positions on a Google query" - on the Search Engine Results Page, (SERP) the higher the visibility and organic leads.

Local SEO is Search Engine Optimisation of your website but specifically targeting your local area; it could be considered as a form of Geomarketing. In other words, your keyword strategy and optimisation will help you be more visible on local search results and reach local customers. This is exactly what our local SEO services will achieve for you.

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laptop on desk working on optimizing SEO

Local SEO = Organic Leads

Over the years, here at yaser.uk, we have been following SEO trends diligently and upscaling our skills in order to keep up with the market and its rapid changes. We have expanded our SEO services and expertise on local search enquiries on Google throughout the years to help our clients scale up without any potential risk.

How do we do that? We ensure that the measurements we put in place are accurate and appropriate for each client, and consequently use the data to our advantage! What are locals looking for? What words are they typing? Why did they click on that website? Does my business appear on Google My Business?

By optimising your content and information according to the data, we help you generate more organic and local leads compared to your competitors.

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Why local SEO is important to your business?

Local SEO is considered to be a more targeted form of keyword planning. But it is essential for small and big businesses in order to attract a specific group of organic leads, and those are the locals, the people in your area who could use your products and services. Companies usually focus on the more diverse aspect of SEO with the ambiguous goal of generating new leads, ignoring that there is a specific segment of potential customers that they could majorly benefit from.

Local SEO is important to your business to ensure this specific target market - the locals - are on your side, know about you, feel valued and consequently enhance exposure and support to your business continuously.

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person on phone searching SEO for businesses

This is where yaser.uk come in and make a difference to your business. Utilising our multi-disciplinary analytic techniques and expertise, our SEO services for local markets will kickstart your business growth as well as help you and your employees further understand what drives the company's success in the area.

Who are yaser.uk?

yaser.uk started life as one man band, from a web developer to fully dedicating his attention and expertise to the financial technology sector. He worked for over twenty years, mainly in the Fintech industry, assisting both startups and well-established companies to reach new customers with what was rapidly becoming the most important marketing channel - the internet.

Now, our list of clients at yaser.uk varies vastly - from small independent dentist practices, to the largest multinational financial organisations. Here at yaser.uk, we continue to provide a range of local SEO services, tailored to your aspirations and growth plans.

Keeping up with the industry

Yaser quickly began to notice that many London based agencies in the SEO market were failing to update their services to keep up with this fast moving industry and - worse still - defaulted to the Pay Per Click method as the best course of action for local search ranking.

Changing the 'quick and dirty'

The rise of these 'quick and dirty' agencies is why Yaser created yaser.uk as an independent freelance consultancy, offering only the most up-to-date SEO and digital marketing services that are always fit for purpose.

Client-by-client approach

With our strict client-by-client approach to SEO consultancy, at yaser.uk we never need to fall back on templates or rely on models. Each of our client's unique set of specific needs and objectives are dealt with on an individual basis.

Does my business need an SEO consultant for local search ranking?

No matter what stage of the business cycle your company is at, our creative and analytical techniques for enhancing content both with keywords and value, combined with our knowledge of expert SEO tips and best practices, we help your business reach local customers as well as generate organic leads.

By preparing a strong SEO marketing strategy aligned with your company's strengths, our purpose is to propel your business to the top of Google's search results on local services, and increase website traffic and customer engagement. In order to achieve high local search ranking, you need an expert SEO consultant by your side.

Which local SEO services does yaser.uk offer?

At yaser.uk we provide the full spectrum of SEO services for clients in and around the London area, consistently adding value to your business & increasing local visibility. Our techniques include:

Competitor Analysis

Our expertise in email marketing and lead generation can transform your business and make you a competitor in the market. We assist in B2B and B2C email marketing for various businesses, and help them have a strong competitive advantage and create meaningful relationships with their subscribers.

Marketing Strategy

Working together with you, our team will assign core KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and measurements, and create a strong marketing strategy geared towards promoting the brand and its messages.

Keyword Strategy

We also assist you with your Keyword strategy. Our SEO services and expertise on local markets, how to find them and equally compete with them, are always accurate and bring the desired results.


We continuously analyse and research trends and the news in various marketing fields, not only for content inspiration but for our own self-improvement in the industry. We provide our clients with high quality, valuable and up to date copywriting and content, in line with their objectives and SEO strategy in order to attract specifically locally-related searches.

Website Audit

We run a technical audit to identify any roadblocks and discover on-page opportunities or issues. The UX (User Experience) of the website is also analysed to improve the Sales Funnel and the Customer Journey. This helps maximise the effect of new content and take advantage of the latest search engine algorithms.lways accurate and bring the desired results.

Link Building

Yaser.uk delivers strategic link building in your local network to achieve the best results for your SEO rankings. What link building does is potential customers might find your website links on another page on the internet and, by clicking on the link, they follow that strategic path to your website. Link building is important as these connections bring in new customers, and it works like word-of-mouth but online.

How does yaser.uk attract local searches for your business?

Website optimisation - Understanding keywords

Successful organic rankings start with understanding the keywords people in your local area are searching for and embedding them into your website's content and technical build. Website optimisation is our primary service and skill when it comes to building a high ranking page for our clients.

Driving leads through Google My Business

Google My Business optimisation is an excellent way of driving local traffic to your website. If you own an ice cream shop for instance, we ensure that your business listing is at the top on Google searches and Google maps suggestions, made by locals who are on the lookout for some delicious ice cream.

Targeting specific and relevant segments

We ensure that our client's target demographic is accurate. We conduct extensive market research in the area you operate and analyse data on what locals are usually searching for, their needs and who they are based on their web searches. Our goal is to have a clear image of who are potential leads are in order to successfully convert them into loyal customers.

Link Building

As mentioned previously, link building in SEO works like word-of-mouth does but online. With the correct link building methods in place, people will hear about your product and services through another business's content and website. It is a great method of driving organic traffic to your website, which if combined with a good keyword strategy and user experience, will surely increase your sales conversions.

Our Clients Know Best

"I've worked with Yaser in various ways over the last years. He's an incredible analytical marketer and has shown he can grow the customer base of financial brands. I hope I can continue to work with him on other projects in the future."

Ready to get started? So are we

Your company's uniquely tailored SEO solution is only a click away.

Your search for local SEO services is over. No more marketing cowboys, no more overpriced agencies. We will drive organic and local traffic to your website. With years of expertise in the B2B & B2C sectors and a wealth of knowledge in best practices in Search Engine Optimization, we are here to help you achieve your business goals online.

Each company has individual needs, and we provide a service tailored to those requirements to get your company on top in searches related to your business. Our experience is the ticket to your success.

Let's have a chat!